Inglês, perguntado por contatovanessa, 10 meses atrás

5. COMPLETE AS LACUNAS ABAIXO COM WAS OU WERE. DEPOIS ASSINALE A SEQUÊNCIA QUE PREENCHE CORRETAMENTE AS LACUNASI ______ born in the USA.______ you tired?______ Daniel hungry?Jack and Bob ______ good friends.Mary ______ very happy. *

Were, Were, Was, Were, Was.
Was, Were, Was, Were, Was.
Was, Were, Was, Was, Were.
Was, Was, Were, Were.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ronaldcosta
Segunda opção: was/were/was/were/was

Espero ter ajudado!
Respondido por igor996
Was, Was, were,were
a última

Perguntas interessantes