Inglês, perguntado por gabrielakruger0, 4 meses atrás

5. Complete as frases usando a estrutura da forma afirmativa do “going to”. (VERBO “TO BE” + GOING TO)
a. My aunt and my uncle_________________ visit London.
b. It __________________________________appear soon.
c. I ___________________________________sleep early.
d. They _________________________marry next Saturday.
e. We________________________________study together.
f. You________________________do a great presentation.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Shrimp7

a. My aunt and my uncle are going to visit London.

b. It is going to appear soon.

c. I am going to sleep early.

d. They are going to marry next Saturday.

e. We are going to study together.

f. You are going to do a great presentation.

Bons estudos;

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