5. Complete as frases abaixo com a wh-question adequada ou wh-question e verbo auxiliar caso
1. __________ people went to the concert?
2. __________ your name?
3. __________ you like to do in you free time?
4. __________ people live in your hometown?
5. __________ has happened in theworld this week?
6. __________ animal is the tallest in the world?
7. __________ ate my sandwich?
8. __________ people live in your house?
9. __________ lives with you?
10. __________ let the dogs out?
Soluções para a tarefa
A seguir as frases com suas respectivas WH questions.
1- How many people went to the concert?
2- What is your name?
3- What do you like to do in you free time?
4- How many people live in your hometown?
5- What has happened in the world this week?
6- Which animal is the tallest in the world?
7- Who ate my sandwich?
8- How many people live in your house?
9- Who lives with you?
10- Who let the dogs out?
WH questions
Trata-se de um conceito estudado acerca do fato de que várias perguntas se formam a partir da sigla W H. Com essas nove palavras destinadas a perguntas, é possível criar diferentes estruturas de questionamentos, e subsequentemente promover o aprofundamento e o teor investigativo acerca das respostas. As nove palavras são:
- What (O que/qual)
- When (Quando)
- Where (Onde)
- Which (Qual)
- Who (Quem)
- Whom (O qual)
- Whose (De quem)
- Why (Por quê)
- How (Como)
Leia mais sobre WH questions em: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/35440920