Inglês, perguntado por agathamota, 10 meses atrás

5. Circule uma das duas opções: Should ou shouldn't:
a) I advise you to try it again. You should /shouldn't try it again.
b) should /shouldn't eat three meals a das breast. lunch and dini proti
herhanc does not have to be the largest meal
c) She has got the flu. What should /shouldn't she do?
d) I you are sick, you should /shouldn't go to work today.
e) If I were you. I wouldn't go there. You should /shouldn't
go there.
The bulk of food consumption should /shouldn't consist of fruits, Vectables whole grains.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kfgoncalves0609


71 98893-9335 se quiser minha ajuda chama aí

agathamota: pode deixar
agathamota: vou chamar
kfgoncalves0609: tô esperando
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