Inglês, perguntado por felipedasilva2604, 8 meses atrás

4ª Questão: Relacione as sentenças: My friend and I are new students ( ) She is the winner. Kelly is the winner in the game. ( ) He is the winner. Eduard is the winner in the test. ( ) You are new players. You and John are new players. ( ) We are new players.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por langnorvitor

1-My friend and I are new students

2- Kelly is the winner in the game.

3-Eduard is the winner in the test.

4-You and John are new players.

(2 ) She is the winner.

( 3) He is the winner.

(4 ) You are new players.

(1 ) We are new players.

Espero ter ajudado!

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