Inglês, perguntado por rosenilda288, 3 meses atrás

4ª Questão: Fill in the correct word (some or any or no). (2,0)
Jane doesn't have ________________ friends.
Did you see_________________ brothers or sisters?
Could you give__________help?.
I will give you _____________ flowers on the table.
Mark , you can buy ______________ phone you want.
I don't want ____________ presents for my birthday.
Do You have______________ news for me?
Brian, If you have_____________problems, call me.
Michael Jackson made _____________ of the Best songs in history.
You have_____________chance with this girl. she isn’t for you.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por fakeedeclash


Jane doesn't have any friends.

Did you see any brothers or sisters?

Could you give any help?

I will give you some flowers on the table.

Mark , you can buy any phone you want.

I don't want any presents for my birthday.

Do You have some news for me?

Brian, If you have any problems, call me.

Michael Jackson made some of the Best songs in history.

You have no chance with this girl. she isn’t for you.


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