Inglês, perguntado por heloisamsilva3407, 10 meses atrás

42According to the information in the article, during the period from 1987 to the present,A Western Europe has been able to make use of longer and more accurate weather forecasts.B the science of weather forecasting has been stagnant, unable to make new discoveries or find new solutions to serious problems.C popular wisdom has often helped to predict the weather with astonishing accuracy.D it has finally been proven that predicting tomorrow’s weather by using observations of today's weather is a highly inaccurate method.E steady progress in the science of weather forecasting has made five-day forecasts prevalent and reliable around the world.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maarigibson

A alternativa correta é a E.

É possível identificar essa informação no terceiro parágrafo do texto. Afirma-se que após o desastre de 1987, a maioria dos países da Europa passou a usar o sistema de previsão de cinco dias, ao invés de três, mas que até hoje é impossível prever mais do que duas semanas a frente.

“(…) the five-day forecast is, at least in western Europe, now more reliable than the three-day forecast was when the 1987 storm raged”.

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