4) which sentence is written correctly?
a) I have never forgotten my mothers advise
b) I have never forgot my mother advice.
c) I have never forgotten my mother's advise.
d) I have never forgotten my mother's advice,
Soluções para a tarefa
According to the question
•In the first sentence (1. I have never forgotten my mother's advise. )
here 'advise' is using as a noun but 'asvise' is a verb form and 'advice' is the actual noun form.
• In the second sentence
(2. I have never forgot my mother advice)
here it is present perfect tense but 'forgot' is the past form of ' forget', we should use the past participle form of the verb 'forget' and the past participle form is 'forgotten'
• In third sentence
(3. I have never forgotten my mother's advice. )
It is a proper present perfect tense.
• In forth sentence
(4. I have never forgotten my mothers advise)
not mothers it would be mother's
so the third sentence is written correctly.
Letra C
Por se tratar do tempo presente perfeito, o verbo principal tem que estar no particípio passado, logo Forgotten.
e para usar o caso genitivo (mother's)
temos a seguinte forma:
possuidor +'s / ' + coisa possuída
possuidor: Mother
coisa possuída: Advice
my mother's advice