Inglês, perguntado por brunacinderela7, 4 meses atrás

4.Rewrite the with your own words

We can't ignore that empathy is an art. It's the art of
beholding the world through another person's eyes.
Looking up to others could be a way to recognize who
we really are and our values. It's impressive how the
digital world has caused people to act with indifference
and negligence toward others, instead of creating real
bonds among people with affinities. Every day we read
lots of posts and see pictures of our friends on social
media, but are we really paying attention? Are they really
happy? We normally like the picture or leave a comment,
and then go on to the next post. In the real world, we
should feel and show that we care more about each
other, giving a friend a call or visiting them for a quick
hug. That's what's admirable about being humans, the
ability to feel empathy and compassion.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por dochi


We can't overlook that compassion is an art.

It's the art of beholding the world through another person's eyes.

Looking up to others may well be a way to recognize who we truly are and our values.

It's noteworthy how the digital world has caused people to act with indifference and carelessness toward others, rather than making real bonds among individuals with affinities.

Each day we read lots of posts and see pictures of our companions on social media, but are we truly paying consideration?

Are they really happy?

We ordinarily just like the picture or take off a comment, and at that point go on to the following post.

Within the genuine world, we should feel and appear that we care more almost each other, giving a companion a call or going to them for a quick hug.

That's what's splendid around being people, the ability to feel compassion and kindness.

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