Inglês, perguntado por luizaranguett, 2 meses atrás

4 Reescreva as frases abaixo substituindo o contexto por um verbo modal adequado e depois
a) Using your cellphone is prohibited in this classroom.
b) It's possible that Jack isn't doing his homework.
c) In my opinion, it would be good for you to watch movies in English.
d) I don't think it's a good idea to only copy and paste things from the internet when you are writing
an essay.
e) I want to go to the toilet.
f) I need your help, please.
g) I have to study every day.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


a) Using your cellphone is prohibited in this classroom.

you must not use your cellphone in the classroom

voce nao pode usar seu celular em sala de aula

b) It's possible that Jack isn't doing his homework.

jack may not be doing his homework

jack pode nao estar fazendo seu trabalho de casa

c) In my opinion, it would be good for you to watch movies in English.

you should watch some movies in English! it would be good for you

voce deveria ver filmes em ingles isso seria bom para voce

d) I don't think it's a good idea to only copy and paste things from the internet when you are writing

an essay.

we should not copy and paste things for the internet when we are writing

voce nao deveria copia e colar coisas da internet quando esta escrevendo

e) I want to go to the toilet.

i need to go to the toilet

eu preciso ir para o banheiro

f) I need your help, please.

can you help me?

poderia me ajudar?

g) I have to study every day.

i must study every day

eu tenho que estudar todo dia


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