Inglês, perguntado por kinckcavalcante, 9 meses atrás

4) Organize as palavras para formar as perguntas sobre o texto e, em seguida, dê as respostas.
a) and - travel - beach - Marcos - did - the-
b) very - what - they - did - much-like -?
c) they - did - where - stay - ?
d) along - did - beach - they - the - when -
walk - ?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

a) Did Marcos and Denise travel to the beach?

b) What did they like very much?

c) Where did they stay?

d)When did they walk along the beach?

Respondido por osmarradan

Resposta:A) Did Marcos and Denise travel to the beach?

B) What did they much very like?

C) Where did they stay?

D) When did they walk along the beach?


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