Inglês, perguntado por pabloWGA, 10 meses atrás

4 - Now it’s your turn to interview or be interviewed. Write a dialogue of an interview during a talent show


victorgmourae: Cadê os cara pra ajudar???
claracarvalho0181: E o terceiro pet
erickemanuelsipejbm4: para aqueles que nao conseguem ver as repostas nesse link tem todas as respostas do pet de ingles do primeiro ano:
https: // wani ave nga. com/ 2021/05/ 17/1 -ano-p et -2-se mana-1-c orr ecao /
erickemanuelsipejbm4: so tirar os espaços
carlareginas93: oi

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por claracarvalho0181


olha as imagens a 1 e a 2............


gabrielpassos1108: Hey there! My name is...
gabrielpassos1108: Gabriel Passos
gabrielpassos1108: Hi! How are you?
gabrielpassos1108: Hi, glad to meet you!
gabrielpassos1108: How olod are you?
Respondido por luizvieiraa

Interview for a talent show:

A) Hello Are you okay? My name is John and I will be interviewing you for our talent show next week at our school.

Hello John. My name is Fernando and I would like to participate in this event.

Excellent. How old are you, what grade do you study and what is your talent that you would like to demonstrate?

I'm 14 years old, in high school, and I'd like to play guitar and sing a song by Pearl Jam.

Cool, I love this band. Do you have the instrument or would you like to borrow it from the school?

No, I have my own custom guitar.

Okay, so I'll see you next week. Good luck!

Thank you. I hope I will win the first prize.

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