Inglês, perguntado por cleibsons86, 4 meses atrás

4. Mude as formas das frases para Afirmativa, Negativa ou interrogativa!
a) You are going to have lunch with them.
b) Rian will not divide the murders there.
c) Am I going taking the bus here?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple future with ''going to'' and ''will''

a) You are going to have lunch with them.  >> afirmativa

   You are not going to have lunch with them. >> negativa

   Are you going to have lunch with them? >> interrogativa

b) Rian will not divide the murders there. >> negativa (frase sem sentido)

    Rian will divide the murders there. >> afirmativa

    Will Rian  divide the murders there?>> interrogativa


c) Am I going to take  the bus here?​ >> interrogativa

   I am  going to take  the bus here. >> afirmativa

   I am not going to take  the bus here. >> negativa

⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' >> tempo verbal para falar sobre um futuro sem confirmação, futuro incerto - não planejado

→ Affirmative  

sujeito + will + verbo + complemento  

I will go to the park tomorrow.  

She will ride a bike next Sunday.

→ Interrogative

Will + sujeito + verbo + complemento  

Will you play soccer?  

Will she clean her room?

→ Negativa  

sujeito + will + not + verbo + complemento (will not = won't)  

John will not run at the park.  

The kids will not play soccer tomorrow.

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