4. Marque a alternativa incorreta.
a) I need to buy many potatoes.
b) Don't waste so much money with me
c) They need many wine to the party.
I'll give you so much love.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Uncountable nouns
a) I need to buy many potatoes. √
b) Don't waste so much money with me. √
c) They need many wine to the party. >>> errada
d) I'll give you so much love. √
Alternativa incorreta letra ''c''
wine >>> substantivo incontável. Antes de substantivos incontáveis usamos ''much''. Então a frase correta seria ''They need much wine to the party''
⇒⇒ Uncountable nouns >> são substantivos no singular e que precisam de uma unidade de medida (1 copo, 1 xicara, 1 kilo, 1 litro, um pouco, muito)
a cup of coffee
two glasses of milk
some sugar
⇒⇒ Countable nouns >> substantivos que têm singular E plural e, por isso, podem ser contatos >> 1, 2, 3, muitos , vários, dezenas, milhares
three cars
four houses
some pencils
many friends
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