4- Marque a alternativa correta de acordo com o texto biográfico: "Entrepreneur and businessman Bill Gates
and his business partner Paul Allen founded and built the world's largest software business, Microsoft,
through technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive business tactics. In the process,
Gates became one of the richest men in the world. In February 2014, Gates announced that he was stepping
down as Microsoft's chairman to focus on charitable work at his foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates
A) Bill Gates e seu parceiro de negócios Paul Allen fundaram e construíram a maior empresa de software do
mundo, a Microsoft.
B) Bill Gates e seu parceiro de negócios Paul Allen fundaram e construíram a maior empresa de software do
mundo, a Apple Computer.
C) Bill Gates e seu parceiro de negócios Paul Allen fundaram e construíram a maior empresa de software do
mundo, a Linux Ubuntu.
D) Bill Gates e seu parceiro de negócios Paul Allen fundaram e construíram a maior empresa de software do
mundo, a Melinda Gates Foundation,
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Resposta: A alternativa correta é a letra A
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