4. Go back to the third paragraph of the text and follow the instructions.
a) Find in the text the noun for the verb "to organize". *
b) Find in the text a word in English for "concurso". *
c) Find in the text a synonym for "equal"/"identical". *
d) Find in the text the noun for the verb "to present". *
e) Find in the text the opposite of "before". *
f) Find in the text the noun for the verb "to win". *
O texto
The Youth Ambassadors Program is a social responsibility initiative of the US Embassy in Brazil, in partnership with public and private organizations. Among our main collaborators are the National Council of State Education Secretaries - CONSED, the Ministry of Education of Brazil MEC and the Centers. .) Binational USA-Brazil rge network
Created in 2002, this program targets Brazilian students who are role models in their communities - in terms of proven leadership, positive attitude, proven social awareness, academic excellence and English language skills. The main objective of the Program is to value and promote the strengthening of public education through these students, transforming them into models for their colleagues and communities.
The winners of this contest travel in January for a three-week program in the United States. During the first week, they visit the US capital and its main landmarks, attend meetings in public and private sector organizations, visit schools and social projects and take a course on youth leadership. After the first week in Washington DC, they are divided into smaller groups that attend different states in the USA, where they stay with host families, attend classes at local schools and interact with Americans of the same age, participate in cultural and cultural activities. social responsibility activities in the community and presentations about Brazil.
The experience of being a Youth Ambassador offers these excellent students the opportunity to expand their horizons while helping us to strengthen the bonds of friendship, respect and collaboration between Brazil and the United States. United States.
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