Inglês, perguntado por OoOShimyOoO, 3 meses atrás

4. Encontre e circule todos os verbos no tempo presente.

I did a little research on the "family table"
idea. Statistics show that only 50% of families sit down to dinner together each night. That's a shame because researchers claim that kids who have these regular family dinners have better grades, better behavior, and a larger vocabulary. They are also less likely to smoke, drink, do drugs, or have eating disorders. Time with their parents makes kids more stable and gives them a sense of belonging and safety. Plus, they learn better manners.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por emilyoliver0606


Tbm preciso ...............

MarlonW: Oi. Respondi ali em baixo. Boa sorte.
emilyoliver0606: Oii obgd
Respondido por MarlonW


Irei colocar os verbos e suas respectivas traduções (de acordo com o sentido do texto). Colocarei elas na ordem em que aparecem no texto.

Show = mostram

Sit (down) = sentam juntas para comer

Claim = alegam

Have = tem

Smoke = fumar

Drink = beber

Do (drugs) = usar (drogas)

Makes = Faz

Gives = Dá

Learn = aprendem

OoOShimyOoO: obrigada
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