Inglês, perguntado por beijaflor80, 8 meses atrás

4-Do What does yor mother?

5- Many speak do languages you How?

6- Kind have parents do of what you . car ?

7- last name spel you . do your . How? ?

8- English do classes have When you! 2. ?

9- do the summer prefes, you which the winter?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

Hello, how are you? My name is Blues! And today I will help you. You can ask me in the comments if you have any questions ;) .


→ 4- Do what does your mother?

Consertando a frase: What does you mother do?

5- Many speak do languages you how?

Consertando a frase: How do you speak many languages?

6- Kind have parents do of what your car?

Consertando a frase: What kind of car do your parents have?

7- Last name spel you do your how?

Consertando a frase: How do you spell your last name?

8- English do class have when you?

Consertando a frase: When do you have English class?

9- do the summer prefer you wich the winter?

Consertando a frase: Wich do you prefer, the summer or the winter?


⇒ Graciously

— Blues 25|09|21 to 15:49

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