Inglês, perguntado por anacarlapaulino867, 8 meses atrás

4 - Complete these questions about your country. Use the superlative form of the adjectives or the University Press. p.14. superlative with nouns. a) What's ---- b) Which airport has c) What's d) What's _ e) Which city has f) What's (large)city? (flights) every day? (fast) way to travel? (beautiful) region? --(tourism)? (famous) monument? g) What's (good) university? h) What's (bad) problem for people? ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anniediangelo1945


a) The largest

b) The least flights

c) The fastest

d) The best

e) The most tourism

f) The most famous

g) The best

h) The worst

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