Inglês, perguntado por mteus3048, 7 meses atrás

4) Complete os espaços em branco com o pronome relativo adequado (WHO, WHOSE,
a) I talked to the girl,
car had broken down in front of the shop
b) Mr. Richards
is a taxi driver Ives on the corner.
c) We often visit our aunt in Nonvich.
is in East Anglia
d) This is the girl
comes from Spain
e) That's Peter, the boy.
has just amived at the airport.
f) Thank you very much for your e-mail
was very interesting
g) The man.
father is a professor. forgot his umbrella
h) The children
shouted in the street, are not from our school
i) The car.
driver is a young man, is from Ireland
1) What did you do with the money.
your mother lent you?
5) Complete a carta de Tatiana com: WHO-WHICH - WHOSE-WHERE – THAT
Dear. Karen
Wow! Europe is fantastic! Rome is one of the most exciting cities
I've ever visited The hotel
I stayed was
rery cheap. Some Italians
I met took me to see the Coliseum,
is very old bulding They also took me to the countryside
their families has
Italy has many places
are cheap and beautiful to visit .
I was traveling around England
countryside is very
beautiful and I have an accident
almost spoiled my trip. I was
drning on a narrow road and I got a flat tire. I wasn't able to change it so I decided to
ask for help. I stopped a car and a very handsome man got out! The man
was a mechanic, changed my tire and invited me to go to his
village to have it fixed I accepted and followed him. After having my tire fixed we
went to have lunch together in a small restaurant
food was very
good I had a wonderful time with this stranger
15 DOW my
boyfriend What I thought was bad luck turned out to be good luck

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por andrey000099


os espaços relativos adequado WHICH) Falei com a moça, carro quebrou na frente da loja b) O Sr. Richards é taxista Ives na esquina. c) Visitamos com frequência nossa tia em Nonvich. está em East Anglia d) Essa é a garota que vem da Espanha Esse é o Peter, o garoto. acaba de chegar no aeroporto. f) Muito obrigado pelo seu e-mail foi muito interessante g) O homem. pai é professor. esqueceu o guarda-chuva h) As crianças gritaram na rua, não são da nossa escola i) O carro. o motorista é um jovem irlandês 1) O que você fez com o dinheiro. sua mãe te emprestou? 5) Preencha a carta de Tatiana com: QUEM-QUE - QUEM-ONDE - ISSO Caro. Karen Uau! A Europa é fantástica! Roma é uma das cidades mais empolgantes que já visitei O hotel em que fiquei era muito barato. Alguns italianos que conheci levaram-me para conhecer o Coliseu, um edifício muito antigo. Também me levaram para o RESPONDER

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