Inglês, perguntado por rebecamendes15, 7 meses atrás

4-Complete com Since or For:
a)they heve study two hours.(Eles estudam por 2 horas.)
b) He has lived in Bangkok 1987.(Ele mora em Bangkok desde 1987.)
c)He lived in Paris three months.(Ele mora em Paris 3 meses.)
d) I wirked at that bank last year.(Eu trabalho nesse banco desde ano passado.)
e)He has been here 9am.(Ele está aqui desde às 9.)
f)I haven't Sean her. three days.(Eu não a vejo por 3 dias.)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Wanxian


a)they have studied for two hours.

b)He has lived in Bangkok since 1987.

c)He lived in Paris for three months.

d) I worked at that bank since last year.

e) He has been here since 9am.

f)I haven't seen her for three days.

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