Inglês, perguntado por Gammidgeoficial, 6 meses atrás

4- Complete as sentenças no “Present Continuous Tense”.
a-It is _________________________________(rain) yesterday
b-The teenagers ___________________(is / are) often
interesting questions.
c-What_____________________(is / are )
you________________________(wear) last night?
d-They aren´t_____________________________( play) soccer at the
country club.
e-My father___________________( is / are
)_________________________(work) here in 2004.

urgente me ajuda pfvr :(

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por guilhermemoller01

Present Continuous Tense = verbo to be + ing

a) raining

b) are asking

c) are / wearing

d) playing

e) is working

bons estudos :)

Gammidgeoficial: valeu parça , 1 coraçao + 5 pontos pra tu!
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