Inglês, perguntado por lunaramartins51, 10 meses atrás

4- Complete as sentenças com HAS ou HAVE:

a) My neighbors _____ a blue car.

b) Samantha and Daniel _____ kids.

c) Do you _____ a dog?

d) Does Rachel _____ a cat?

e) My parents _____a parrot.

f) My sister _____ a lot of friends.

g) We _____ an English test tomorrow.

h) They _____ a lot of money.

i) My best friend _____ blue eyes.

j) My grandfather _____ a black horse.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por samarasousa18


a) have

b) have

c) have

d) has

e) have


g) have

h) have

i) has

j) has


quando se trata dos pronomes: it, she, he: usa- se has

e, you, they, i, we, usa-se have

3°pessoa do singular sempre sofrerá modificaçoes nos verbos

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