Inglês, perguntado por biancamohrh, 8 meses atrás

4-Complete as sentenças com a forma correta dos verbos no Presente Simples . 1. - Hey Lisa, how (you, do)  ? - Good.  (I, be)   a little worried about the exam tomorrow. - Hmm... Me too, but (I, think)   it's going to be ok. Do you want to go out tonight? - I can't... (I, study)   tonight. I still have to read the last chapter of the book. - Ok. If you change your mind... (We, go)   to the theater. - Cool! What (you, see)  ? - It's a play by Shakespeare. - Nice! (I, read)   Shakespeare right now. - Which Shakespeare book (you, read)  ? - Hamlet. (it, be)   really good.

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Respondido por rcezare


- Hey Lisa, how are you doing?

- Good. I'm a little worried about the exam tomorrow.

- Hmm... Me too, but I think it's going to be ok. Do you want to go out tonight?

- I can't... I'm studying tonight. I still have to read the last chapter of the book.

- Ok. If you change your mind... we go to the theater.

- Cool! What are you going to see?

- It's a play by Shakespeare.

- Nice! I'm reading Shakespeare right now.

- Which Shakespeare's book are you reading?

- Hamlet. It is really good.

Respondido por hervatinirafael


a resposta do cara de cima ta certa


explicação: confia

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