4- complete as locunas com has, had ou have
a new bicycle.
2. You........
a new house.
3. Anna.........
a big bag
4. Suda.........
an old book.
5. My mother.......
an old umbrella.
6. My friends.......
a new ball.
7. Suda............
a pretty dress.
8. David.........
a good book.
9. Suda..…......
long hair.
10. Sakda..........
short hair.
11. The nurses.........
long hair.
12. The men....…...
a big house.
13. They.…..…...
an old car
14. He..…....
a green car.
15. She.......
a red car.
16. It........
two long ears.
17. My dog.......
a short tail.
18. My cats......
long hair
19. We.........
a lot of friends.
20. It.......
a lot of food.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Verbo ''to have'' - Simple and Past Tense
1. ____ a new bicycle. (falta o sujeito)
2. You have a new house.
3. Anna has a big bag .
4. Suda has an old book.
5. My mother had an old umbrella.
6. My friends had a new ball.
7. Suda has a pretty dress.
8. David had a good book.
9. Suda has long hair.
10. Sakda had short hair.
11. The nurses have long hair.
12. The men have a big house.
13. They have an old car
14. He has a green car.
15. She had a red car.
16. It has two long ears.
17. My dog has a short tail.
18. My cats have long hair
19. We have a lot of friends.
20. It has a lot of food.
Observação: ''had'' pode ser usado em todas as frases porque não há nenhuma palavra referente ao passado (yesterday, last week, etc.)
Verbo to have >>> ter
I have many toys.
You have two sisters and one brother.
He has English class on Mondays.
She has a lot of homework.
It has a toy.
We have many friends.
You have time to do the homework.
They have white t-shirts.
Na terceira pessoa do singular - he - she - it - o verbo ''to have'' deve ser escrito com ''s'' - HAS
She has a new car
David has long hair.
→→ Passado >>> usamos ''had'' para todas as pessoas do verbo.
I had a test yesterday.
She had much homework.
They had time to play soccer.
Aprenda mais em:
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25408047 →→ Simple Present
→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/27166197 →→ Simple Present