Inglês, perguntado por juhferreira91, 10 meses atrás

4 - Complete as frases corretamente com um dos verbos entre parênteses e depois marque a
alternativa que preenche os espaços corretamente.
I - They _____________to the beach. ( go / goes )
II - He ______________ English in the morning. ( study / studies )
III - You ______________ coffee and milk. ( Want / wants )
IV - She ______________ the piano well. ( play / plays)
A) go, study, wants, play D) go, studies, want, plays
B) goes, study, want, plays E) goes, studies, wants, play
C) go, studies, wants, plays

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por victoriak68


A resposta certa é a letra D.

Respondido por blnrde

I - They go to the beach.

II - He studies English in the morning.

III - You want coffee and milk.

IV - She plays the piano well.

Alternativa D.

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