4. complete as frases abaixo com Do not ( Don' t ) ou Does not ( Doesn ' t ) para torná - las frases negativas.
a) She speaks English very Well. She _ speak English very Well.
b)Mary likes to eat Apple. Mary _ like to eat Apple.
c) want a piece of cake. l _ want a piece of cake.
d) the dog barks all the night. the dog _ bark all the night. we _ study at night.
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Soluções para a tarefa
Opa, belezzz?
Resposta & Explicação:
A palavra don’t só é usada com os pronome I (eu), you (você, vocês), we (nós), they (eles, elas).
Já a palavra doesn’t só é usada com os pronomes he (ele), she (ela) e it (que depende do contexto para ser traduzido ou não)
a) She speaks English very Well. She doesn't speak English very Well.
b) Mary likes to eat Apple. Mary doesn't like to eat Apple.
c) want a piece of cake. l don't want a piece of cake.
d) the dog barks all the night. the dog doesn't bark all the night. we don't study at night.
Boa sorte, man!
a) She doesn't speak English very well.
b) Mary doesn't like to eat Apple.
c) l don't want a piece of cake.
d) The dog doesn't bark all the night.
e) We don't study at night.
Frases Negativas no Simple Present
Para formar frases negativas no simple present vc usa o verbo "to do" seguido da palavra "not" , antes do verbo principal.
A negação com o verbo "to do" tem duas variações:
do not => don't para os pronomes I, You, We,They.
does not => doesn't para os pronomes He, She, It.
Ex.: Giselle doesn't like yellow shoes.
(Giselle não gosta de sapatos amarelos.)
Frases Negativas com o verbo "To be"
Para formar frases negativas no simple present basta colocar o "not" após o verbo to be:
Ex.: She is not late. ( Ela não está atrasada.)