Inglês, perguntado por nadjarasantos430, 11 meses atrás

4. Coloque as formas corretas dos verbos nas lacunas. Use simple past nas
a) Jane
a film last weekend. (to watch)
Jane assistiu a um filme no último final de semana. (assistir)
b) He
a box yesterday at work. (to carry)
Ele carregou uma caixa ontem no trabalho. (carregar)
their father last saturday.(to gelo)
d)John and Amy
things the day before ysterday.(to swap)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por paeswesley


a) Jane watched a film last weekend

b) He carried a box yesterday at work

c) to gelo?

d) John and Amy swapped things the day before yesterday

nadjarasantos430: obrigada
nadjarasantos430: desculpa a letra (c) e (to help)
nadjarasantos430: pode me ajudar com a c
paeswesley: They helped their father last saturday
nadjarasantos430: obrigada
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