Inglês, perguntado por mariavandercima, 8 meses atrás

4. A: …………Paul and Tim working at night last week? B: No, they weren’t. *
A. Are
B. Were
C. Did
D. Do

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Past Continuous

4. A: Were  Paul and Tim working at night last week?

   B: No, they weren’t.  

A. Are

B. Were  √

C. Did

D. Do

Alternativa correta letra ''B''


⇒⇒ Past continuous  >>>   usado para expressar algo que estava acontecendo no passado ao mesmo tempo em que outro fato acontecia ou tinha acabado de acontecer.

I was sleeping when the phone rang.

The kids were playing while I was watching TV.


sujeito + was / were + verbo -ing + complemento

was      >>    usado com I - he - she - it

were    >>     usado com we - you - they

Affirmative                        Negative                                 Interrogative

I was studying                 I was not sleeping                    Was I studying?

you were sleeping         You were not studying             Were you studying?

he  was working             He was not studying                Was he studying?

she  was studying          She was not studying               Was she sleeping?

it  was barking                It was not barking                     Was it barking?

we were working           We were not studying               Were we studying?

you were studying          You were not studying             Were you studying?

they were working          They were not working            Were they working?

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