Inglês, perguntado por vasconcelosn16, 11 meses atrás

4) (15) Complete as sentenças com uma forma afirmativa do verbo "be"(am, is, are).
a) I
b) He
C) We
d) You
e) Angelina Jolie
f) Adele
g) The students
h) Brazil
i) Our families
j) My school
from Ottawa, in Canada.
from the United States.
my favorite actress!
from the United Kingdom.
not at school.
a big country.
from Santarem.
Wilde Fonseca:​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Esterheloise1314


i am from Ottawa, in Canada

he is British

we are fromthe United States

you are Australian

Angelina jolie is my favorite actress!

adele is from the United Kingdom

the students are not at school

Brazil is a big country

our families are from Santarem

my school is Wilde Fonseca

Respondido por ch1843
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