3° ano lingua inglesa google classroom
1- How long has Mark been selling cars? *
1 ponto
He has been selling cars for 10 years.
He have been selling cars for 10 years.
He has been selling cars for 11 years.
He has been selling cars for 5 years.
2- “I’VE CLEANED MY SHOES.” Change the subject to Mark. The new sentence is: *
1 ponto
Mark have cleaned his shoes
Mark has clean his shoes.
Mark has cleaned his shoes.
Mark have clean his shoes.
Soluções para a tarefa
1a- He has been selling cars for 10 years.
2c- Mark has cleaned his shoes.
Na tarefa 1 a frase correta é: He has been selling cars for 10 years. - letra A.
Na tarefa 2 a frase reescrita corretamente é: Mark has cleaned his shoes - Letra C
Vamos à explicação!
Primeiro, vou colocar aqui embaixo o texto das questões:
"Hello, friends. My name is Mark and I am a car salesman. One important thing, it’s my look. My client must trust me, so first of all, I sell my appearance. I pay attention to the minor details, as you can see, my shoes are shining. Yesterday they were extremely dirty. Then I’ve cleaned them. I have my agency where I keep some cars to be sold. I’ve just arrived from there. I was expecting to come to my mom’s house and talk to my sister Elen. However, she has left. I need to pay her for helping me last week. Anyway, I guess I can find her later. I have been selling cars for 10 years and I can say I actually enjoy my job. I remember when I bought my first car… I turned to my family and I said: “I’ve bought my first car!” and they were amazed supporting me. A few minutes later, I explained to them I had bought that car, but intending to sell it a little bit expensive. Then I could make money easily. It worked and it has been working since then. When you get some free time, visit my agency!
See you later!"
Tarefa 1.
Devemos identificar no texto há quanto tempo Mark vende carros (how long has Mark been sellling cars?).
Aqui é importante perceber o tempo verbal da frase pois ele será fundamental para identificar a alternativa correta.
- ''has been selling" = present perfect continuous, que é uma ação que vem acontecendo desde o passado e continua acontecendo.
Na oitava linha do texto está escrito "I have been selling cars for 10 years". E, a partir dela podemos identificar que Mark vende carro faz 10 anos.
Analisando as alternativas possíveis, vemos que a correta é:
- "He has been selling cars for 10 years." - Letra A.
Tarefa 2.
Nessa questão devemos mudar o sujeito de primeira pessoa para terceira pessoa, em inglês.
- A frase original é a seguinte: I've cleanes my shoes
I've é a contração para a expressão "I have". Aqui o verbo é utilizado para especificar o tempo verbal, como uma ação que já aconteceu, ou seja, está no passado.
Sendo assim, quando mudamos para a terceira pessoa (he) o correto é utilizar has (verbo have na terceira pessoa no passado).
- A frase em terceira pessoa fica: Mark has cleaned his shoes - Letra C.
Espero ter ajudado!
*Outra questão com tema similar*