Inglês, perguntado por aurelio2014lopp9cpd8, 1 ano atrás

3.turn the sentences into negative
a- She got home late
b-she took a shower
c-they danced a lot
d- I fell asleep quickly

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gleycipisikaos

a. She didn't get home late

b. She didin't take a shower

c. They didn't dance a lot

d. I didn't feel asleep quickly

fvanessaalves: mas eu disse q ia fazer PRIMEIROO
gleycipisikaos: que seja. Aurélio, posso ajudar sim. Mande a questão
fvanessaalves: mande me a mim
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: turn the sentences into afirmative a) he didn't seleção his car
fvanessaalves: He did seleção his car
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: b) Did they go to the party? c- I Didn't Phone Lucy D) Did we play soccer
gleycipisikaos: they went to the party
gleycipisikaos: i did phone lucy
gleycipisikaos: we played soccer ou we did play soccer, das duas formas está correto
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: obgg
Respondido por fvanessaalves
a) She didn't get home late.
b) She didn't take a shower.
c) They didn't dance a lot.
d) I didn't feel asleep quickly.

Espero que esteja certo.
É melhor ver se está bem.
Boa sorte

a) Did she get home late?
b) Did she take a shower?
c) Did they dance a lot?
d) Did you feel(acho q é este verbo) asleep quickly?

aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: faz interrogative agora
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: ??
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: dou melhor resposta se fazer interrogative
fvanessaalves: vou fazer
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: okay
fvanessaalves: já tá
fvanessaalves: agr pode meter melhor resposta?
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: obrigado ajudou mt
fvanessaalves: mas me meta melhor respostaa
aurelio2014lopp9cpd8: vou mandar uma pergunta e você responde tá
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