Inglês, perguntado por victorhugouzumaki, 10 meses atrás

3) Todas as frases/perguntas abaixo estão no passado. Assinale as perguntas ou frases cujo verbo BE seja traduzido por SER.
01 – I’m sorry, but yesterday I was really busy.
02 – People were excited about the invention.
04 – Who was the first Brazilian President?
08 – In 2003 Daniel was 22 years old and was a soldier in the Army.
16 – What were your chances of success?
32 – They were very glad with their results.
64 – I thought those guys were from another country.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carlaclaudinoalves

vou pesquisar e te mando

victorhugouzumaki: ok
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