Inglês, perguntado por sibeled56, 8 meses atrás

3- Tente responder as seguintes questões utilizando o PAST CONTINUOUS.

a) The last time you used your cellphone, what were you seeing?

b) What were you eathing in your last meal?​​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ManuFerreiro


a) The last time you used your cellphone, what were you seeing?

i was watching videos

b) What were you eathing in your last meal?​​

i was eathing rice and beans


Nas frases afirmativas no Past Continuous, a forma correta de construção frasal é:

Sujeito + Verbo to be no Simple Past + Verbo principal com –ing + Complemento

Exemplo: She was going to my house.

Espero ter ajudado.

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