Inglês, perguntado por furiadozeus, 3 meses atrás

3-Preencha os espaços usando corretamente os verbos dados entre parênteses(zero conditional)
1. if it doesn´t ____________(rain), plants cannot grow.
2.if __________(try) to cook, i ruin the food.
3. if you smoke , you skin__________(age) more quickly.
4. if you heat ice, it________(melt).
5. i feel good if you_________(visit) me regulary .
6. water evaporates if you______(boil) it.
7. deren__________(cycle) to work if the weather is good.
8.i feel sick if i____________(eat) too much chocolate. need to take my sister to the hospital if she_____(drink) milk as she is allergic to it .

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 8b2f218ca5


1. rain

2. I try

3. age

4. melts

5. visit

6. boil

7. cycle

8. eat

9. drink

Ps: desde já, perdão se n for isso ^^

8b2f218ca5: eu acho
furiadozeus: If Andy (go) to bed late,he cannot wake up early
furiadozeus: tendi
8b2f218ca5: goes
8b2f218ca5: seguindo o contexto
furiadozeus: hum
8b2f218ca5: é..
8b2f218ca5: obg plea coroa!
8b2f218ca5: pela*
8b2f218ca5: vc sabe se tava certo?
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