Inglês, perguntado por kawaiiester81, 4 meses atrás

3)passe para plural os substantivos indicados entre parênteses quando necessário.14. The
(child ) are in the garden
15. The
(clock) are on the wall
16. The
(orange) are on the desk
17. They are
18. The
(watch ) are of Walmir
19. Salvador has three hundred and forty five
20. Cabula 6 has one

yuki2104slavei: 14. The children are in the garden
yuki2104slavei: eita foi sem querer]
kawaiiester81: de boa kk

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yuki2104slavei


14. The children are in the garden

15. The clocks are on the wall

16. The oranges are on the desk

17. (eu tambem nao sei essa desculpa)

18. The watches are of Walmir

19. Salvador has three hundred and forty five churches

20. Cabula 6 has one church


espero q tenha ajudado um pouco

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