Inglês, perguntado por thaynacamposabino, 1 ano atrás

3- Passe as seguintes frases para a forma interrogativa:
a) I would buy a house if I won the lottery.
b) I would buy a truck if I had the Money.
c) I would go to the movies if you invited me.
d) Joe would help you if you asked him.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MARIAEVT

a)Would I buy a house if I won the lottery?

b)Would I buy a truck if I had the money?

c)Would I go to the cinema if you invited me?

d)Would Joe help you if you asked him?

Respondido por anaclara46867

A) would I buy a house if I won the lottery?

B) would I buy a truck if I hade the money?

C) would I go to the movies if you invited me?

D) would Joe help you if you asked him?

* Na interrogativa o verbo would deve ser posicionado antes do sujeito.

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