Inglês, perguntado por tatianerossi, 7 meses atrás

3. Observe o significado das palavras SO e BUT. Em seguida, escolha a opção que melhor completa a
So = então, por consequência.
But = mas, porém, entretanto,
a. My father likes football
he doesn't like basketball.
b. It is rainy today,
take your umbrella
c. You are studying very much,
you'll have a good score in this test.
d. I like dogs
I don't like cats.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por margaridatosef

a) my father likes football BUT he doesn't like basketball

b) it is rainy today, SO take your umbrella

c) you are studying very much, SO you'll have a good score in this test

d) I like dogs BUT I don't like cats

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