3-Nas conversas informais em inglês, o uso de expressões, girias e contrações é livre. Normalmente são usadas frases
curtas, não necessariamente gramaticalmente corretas. Esse tipo de diálogo acontece entre amigos, familia ou durante
conversas em redes sociais.
Read the dialog between two friends.
FRIEND 1: Hey, girl! What's up?
FRIEND 2: Not much, boo. You good?
F 1: Yeah. Have you seen Martha lately?
F 2 Not really. Is she okay?
F1: Yeah, I just haven't seen that one in ages. Shall we get drinks?
F 2 You bet. Beer?
F1 Sure. Hey, can we get 2 beers over here?
WAITER: You got it! I'll be right over.
F 1: Thanks!
Answer the questions.
3. Where may the conversation take place?
4-Which expression can substitute "What's up?"
5. When somebody asks "How are you?", we may answer "I'm good." In the dialog, one of the girls answered "Not
much". What do you think it means?
6. "boo" is the same as:
traduza para o português
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1-good conversation can happen on a daily basis between friends or close people
2-In this case, the word can be replaced by "in that place". However, "there" can also be an addiction of language very common in everyday life and that means a continuation, and can be replaced by "then" or "and after". See the example: I got home, took a shower and then went to sleep
3-we can talk I'm fine and how are you
as outras não sei desculpa
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