Inglês, perguntado por alanakettelyn37, 8 meses atrás

3) Mude as frases para as formas interrogativa e negativa:
a) Monica keeps her money in the bank.
I -
N -
b) They live in Brasília.
I -
N -
c) He watches TV on weekends.
I -
N -

4) Complete com DO ou DOES:

a) Lisa eat pizza?

b) you go to school by car?

c) he want to go out tonight?

5) Mude as frases para o imperativo negativo:

a) Call me in the morning!

b) Let’s give the books

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AkemiOkami

3) Mude as frases para as formas interrogativa e negativa:

a) Monica keeps her money in the bank.

I -  Does Monica keep her money on the bank?

N -  Monica doesn't keep her money on the bank.

b) They live in Brasília.

I -  Do they live in Brasília?

N -  They don't live in Brasília.  

c) He watches TV on weekends.

I -  Does he watch TV on weekends?

N -  He doesn't watch TV on weekends.

4) Complete com DO ou DOES:

a) Lisa eat pizza?

Resposta: Does Lisa eat pizza?

b) you go to school by car?

Resposta:  Do you go to school by car?

c) he want to go out tonight?

Resposta:  Does he want to go out tonight?

5) Mude as frases para o imperativo negativo:

a) Call me in the morning!

Resposta: Don't call me in the morning!

b) Let’s give the books.

Resposta: Let's not give the books.

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