Inglês, perguntado por danielveiga2510, 8 meses atrás

3-Mude as frases para a forma Afirmativa e Negativa. a) Were James and I in new York last month? A- _____________________________________ N- _____________________________________ b) Were the birds hungry? A- _____________________________________ N- _____________________________________ c) Was she my girlfriend? A- _____________________________________ N- _____________________________________ d) Was the car very expensive ? A- _____________________________________ N- ____________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

-Mude as frases para a forma Afirmativa e Negativa.

a) Were James and I in New York last month?

A- James and I were in New York last month.

N- James and I were Not in New York last month.

b) Were the birds hungry?

A-  The birds were hungry.

N- The birds were not hungry.

c) Was she my girlfriend?

A- She was my girlfriend.

N-She was not my girlfriend.

d) Was the car very expensive ?

A- The car was very expensive.

N-  The car was not very expensive.

Espero ter ajudado,  

Bons estudos!

danielveiga2510: se estiver serto me ajudou muito
danielveiga2510: muito obrigado amigo
Usuário anônimo: eu não responderia se não soubesse. :/
danielveiga2510: obg mano vlw
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