Inglês, perguntado por shanyavieira, 7 meses atrás

3) Marque (X) abaixo usando corretamente o "Passado continuo":
1. John .......... (work) for this firm in the 1970s.
A. () is working
B. ( ) were working C. ( ) was working
2. We saw a lot of rubbish when we (walk) through the park.
A. () was walking B. () are walking C. ( ) were walking
3. She .......... (have) a bath when the telephone rang.
A. ( ) is having
B. ( ) was having C. (( ) were having
4. My friend ........... (paint) the door when someone came in.
A. ( ) was painting B. () is painting C. ( ) were painting
5. They
(do) exercises all morning.
A. () were doing B. ( ) are doing C. ( ) was doing
help me is urgent​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pinkrose64
1. C) was working
2. C) were walking
3. B) was having
4. A) was painting
5. A) were doing
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