3. Make these plural (Passe para o plural)
a) This is a potato.
b) That is a strawberry
c) that is a wolf
d) You are a student
e) That is an orange
f) This is a peach
g) I am a teacher
h) She is a girl
i) That is a cherry
j) That is a knife
k) He is a boy
l) This is a key
Those are strawberries
Those are wolves
They are students
Those are oranges
These are peaches
We are techers
They are girls
Those are cherries
Those are knives
They are boys
These are keys
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Plural
a) This is a potato. →→ These are potatoes.
b) That is a strawberry . →→ Those are strawberries.
c) That is a wolf. →→ Those are wolves.
d) You are a student →→ You are students.
e) That is an orange →→ Those are oranges.
f) This is a peach →→ These are peaches.
g) I am a teacher →→ We are teachers.
h) She is a girl →→ They are girls.
i) That is a cherry →→ Those are cherries.
j) That is a knife →→ Those are knives.
k) He is a boy →→ They are boys.
l) This is a key →→ These are keys.
⇒⇒ Pronomes demonstrativos
This (singular) >> este - esse - esta - essa - isso - isto
These (plural) >> estes - esses - estas - essas
That (singular) >> aquele - aquela - aquilo
Those (plural) >> aqueles - aquelas
Subject pronouns
Singular Plural
I - eu We - nós
You - você You - vocês
He - ele They - eles
She - ela They - elas
It ...... They - eles/elas
⇒⇒ Regras para o plural de substantivos
a. Substantivos regulares >>>> plural em ''s''
notebook - notebooks
girl - girls
car - cars
house - houses
b. Substantivos irregulares
- Se o substantivo terminar em ''o'' - acrescenta ''es''
tomato - tomatoes
potato - potatoes
- Se o substantivo terminar em ''y'' precedido de consoantes, retira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''ies''
baby - babies
sky - skies
- Se o substantivo terminar em ''s'' - ''se'' - ''ss - ''sh'' - ''ge'' - ''ch'' faz o plural acrescentando ''es'' ou ''s''
box - boxes
watch - watches - relógio de pulso
judge - judges - juiz
- Se o substantivo terminar em ''f'' ou ''fe'' faz o plural em ''ves''
wife - wives - esposa
shelf - shelves - prateleira
- Se o substantivo tiver ''oo'' , faz plural em ''ee (apenas 3 substantivos)
goose - geese - ganso
foot - feet - pé
tooth - teeth - dente
child - children
man - men
woman - women
ox - oxen - boi
louse - lice - piolho
mouse - mice - rato
dwarf - dwarves / dwarfs - anão
hoof - hooves / hoofs - casco de animal
wharf - wharfs / wharves - cais
b) those are strawberries.
c) those are wolves.
d) you are students.
e)those are oranges.
f) these are peaches.
g) we are teachers.
h) they are girls.
i) those are cherries.
j)those are knives.
k) they are boys.
l) these are keys.