Inglês, perguntado por mariadahhora, 2 meses atrás

Leia o seguinte bilhete:

Welcome to the Friends Club. It’s for English learners and friends around the world. Martina, Pepe, Kate, Dunya, Mary, Paul and Bernd are members of the Club: Martina is from Italy. She’s twelve. Pepe is Spanish. He’s nine. Kate and Mary are twins from Great Britain. They are thirteen years old. Dunya is from Russia. She’s ten. Paul is French and he’s eleven. Bernd is from Germany and he is eight years old. How old are you?

De acordo com o bilhete, analise se as afirmativas a seguir são verdadeiras (true - T) ou falsas (false - F)

( ) Kate and Mary are from the United Kingdom

( ) Paul is from French

( ) Martina is Italian

( ) Dunya is from Russian

( ) Pepe is from Spanish

( ) Bernd is German

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta.


T – F – T – F – F – T.

F – F – T – F – F – T.

T – F – F – T – T – F.

T – F – T – F – T – F.

T – T – F – F – T – T.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ericksiduarte


arrozal hhhhhvvcghhhhhgfgggffffg

millacristinna: Melhore
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