Inglês, perguntado por barbosamartr, 9 meses atrás


3) Junte as palavras e forme frases no Presente Contínuo.

a) Is- Sylvia – a book- ing – write


b) Ing- Pedro- fish- with- rice- eat- Rui- and – are


c) Jefferson- home- office- is –ing- work- in


d) Read- a- magazine- I- ing- am- now


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MalcherLS

a) Sylvia is writing a book

b) Pedro and Raul are eating fish with rice

c) Jefferson is working in home office

d) I am reading a magazine now.

barbosamartr: obg :)
barbosamartr: he mas vlw ai por min ajuda ;)
barbosamartr: pdc
barbosamartr: he tmj
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