Inglês, perguntado por emilypadovane, 6 meses atrás

3) Faça um resumo do significado da BLACK AWARENESS DAY! (Lei 12.519) *
Resumo em INGLÊS
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Respondido por anavicbatista2823


The National Black Awareness Day is celebrated in Brazil on November 20. It was created in 2003 as an ephemeris included in the school calendar - until it was officially instituted nationwide by law No. 12 519, of November 10, 2011, being a public holiday in about a thousand cities across the country and in the states of Alagoas, Amazonas , Amazonas, Amapá, Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro through state decrees. In states that have not adhered to the law, it is the responsibility of each city council to decide whether there will be a holiday in the municipality.  The occasion is dedicated to reflecting on the insertion of blacks in Brazilian society. The date was chosen to coincide with the day attributed to the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, in 1695, one of the greatest black leaders in Brazil who fought for the liberation of the people against the slave system. Black Awareness Day is considered important in the recognition of African descendants and the construction of Brazilian society. The date, among other things, raises issues of racism, discrimination, social equality, inclusion of blacks in society and Afro-Brazilian culture, as well as the promotion of forums, debates and other activities that value African culture

Espero ter ajudado:)

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