Inglês, perguntado por AjudaEResposta, 6 meses atrás

3. Escreva o nome de cada personagem de acordo com o que está fazendo na imagem:

a) They are singing. (_________________________)
b) She is doing her homework. (__________________________)
c) He is watching a video. (_______________________)
d) She is talking on the phone. (_____________________)
e) They are watching TV. (____________________)
f) They are playing table tennis. (_____________________)
g) She is sleeping. (______________________)
h) She is listening to music. (_________________________)
i) He is eating. (________________________)
j) He is drawing. (______________________)


AjudaEResposta: ajuda ai familia pfvr

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mireladomiciano321

a) They are singing. (Catherine e Heidi)

b) She is doing her homework. (Amy)

c) He is watching a video. (Toby)

d) She is talking on the phone. (Jenny)

e) They are watching TV. (Sam e Jess)

f) They are playing table tennis. (Dave e Frank)

g) She is sleeping. (Sarah)

h) She is listening to music. (Emma)

i) He is eating. (Jason)

j) He is drawing. (Jack)

AjudaEResposta: bgd mn ajudou mt
mireladomiciano321: Por nada :)
anapaula01031994: obrigada
Respondido por bbyet
a) Catherine and Heidi.

b) Amy.

c) Toby.

d) Jenny.

e) Sam and Jess.

f) Frank and Dave.

g) Sarah.

h) Emma.

i) Jason.

j) Jack.

AjudaEResposta: obrigado
bbyet: nd
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