Inglês, perguntado por rivika70, 3 meses atrás

3) Escreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa.
a) She lived with her parents.
b) Bob married Kate in 2007.
c) The students did the homework.
d) I ate a sandwich.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por luisadsgilbg

Resposta: Boa noite!

Vamos lá.

a) She lived with her parents.

She didn't live with her parents.

b) Bob married Kate in 2007.

Bod didn'y marry Kate in 2007.

c) The students did the homework.

The students didn't do the homework.

d) I ate a sandwich.

I didn't eat a sandwich.

É isso, espero ter ajudado!

rivika70: obrigada
luisadsgilbg: Por nada
danielabrahao2021: VLW
chierottilarissa: obrigadaaa,me ajudou mt
Mgziin071: brigadãooooo! ❤
luisadsgilbg: Por nada, por nada <3 <3
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