Inglês, perguntado por ednirsouzapinheiro, 1 ano atrás

3) Escolha a alternativa correta:
a) Verbo to kiss ( forma afirmativa):
( ) Brenda always kisses her boyfriend

( ) Brenda always kiss her boyfriend.

( ) Brenda always kissing her boyfriend.

b) Verbo to study (forma negativa): You study in the morning.
( ) You do not studies in the
( ) You do not study in the morning
( ) You do not studys in the morning.
c) Verbo to sing ( forma interrogative) : They sing in Portuguese very well.

() Do they sings in Portuguese well?
( ) Do they sing in Portuguese well?
( ) Do they singes in Portuguese well?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maria09731
A) 1 opção
B) opção do meio
C)opcao do meio

ednirsouzapinheiro: NOSSA parabéns muitíssimo obrigado pela ajuda
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