Inglês, perguntado por tp6976338, 2 meses atrás

3. Do you know people who come from other countries? How well are they integrated in society? Do they speak Portuguese fluently? Do they have good jobs? 4. The text you are going to read is a synopsis of the book The Good Immigrant. Look at the bar view presented​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gustmelo92


Do you know people who come from other countries?

i have a couple of friends from Germany that came to study in Brazil

How well are they integrated in society?

after some years living here now they are fully adapted to the environment

Do they speak Portuguese fluently?

i will say not fluently they struggle a bit with some words and sentences however you can understand most of what they are talking in Portuguese

Do they have good jobs?

they work in a multi national company so i think they have great jobs in comparison to the majority of people that i know they are quite well in their position economically speaking


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